My itty bitty bundle of joy
9:47 AM - February 16, 2005

I have an almost 2 year old. I can't believe it! It seriously feels just yesterday that we brought a little 8lb little biddy bundle of joy wrapped up in clouds and sparkling with angel dust home.

No he's running around, yelping and saying "ow" all the time over and over, (not because I'm a mean mom, but he thinks its fun) and he loves to put his hands down his pants. The only way I can get him from doing it is if I put a onesie on him. He'll go in from any angle. The other day Chad put coveralls on him so he couldn't go down through his pants. So he was trying to put his hand up his leg wholes to get to it. I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully its just a phase.


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