Puppies and Rainbows
11:48 PM - November 23, 2004

Dear Diary,

Can I say how much I hate money! I was telling BV... wouldn't it be nice to have rich parents who will totally help you out and buy you stuff? Oh Wait... Oh yeah... that's right we both do... they just don't like giving us money :(

I really hate it more than anything. I wish we could just live the law of consecration right now. I mean hey I have a box of extra baby wipes right now at this very minute...can I trade that for a new furnace?

Won't it be nice to be in heaven and all you have to do is wear pretty white robes and eat grapes? Chad and I sometimes discuss what we will do in our world. I wonder if we have to have the same sort of set up we have here on earth or if we can add stuff to our liking?
I'd make sure food wasn't fattening, outlaw ugg boots, permed hair, and trucker hats. Also puppies could stay puppies forever. I mean I love puppies. I'm really not trying to be cheesy or geeky (no luck right?) But all puppies are cute... but sometimes when they grow up they look way ugly and mean.

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