The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
9:37 a.m. - 2004-11-02

Good Things about today...
I saved .60cents off of gas at Harmons
I got some yummy groceries
The sun is shining today
I got a cute little turkey decoration.
My house is clean
Dallen woke up in a happy mood
Chad is hot
I got apples and caramel for FHE tonight!

Bad Things about today...
*I had to resort to wearing maternity g's because all the rest are in the laundry.
*I opened the back door of our car and the milk fell to the ground and busted open and I got all wet.
*My breath stinks.
*Chad's smells even worse. :)

The Ugly things about today...
I'm a retard
I'm not voting because I was overseas and I'm not registered and I don't know how to do it. But IF JOHN KERRY wins so help me! I will cry my eyes out!

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